From Clutter and Chaos to Lego Center Sanity!

If you are a parent, you have stepped on a Lego or cursed the piles of random pieces throughout your home at some point. Well, I decided I couldn't live one more minute with Legos all over my house! After my husband and I discussed a very vague plan, we packed the kids in the car and we were off to Ikea!  We were the last ones to drop off our three kids to the lovely staff at the ever so popular Kiddieland  before the wait time began. Phew, that was a close one.   Knowing we had limited … [Read more...]

R.I.P Olaf — A Christmas Break Kid Craft

No, this isn't an anti-Frozen post, but who doesn't love to build a snowman.  The challenge here in Chicago is we haven't really had any real snow. So, I decided we could certainly at least celebrate with melted snowmen! I saw this clever idea for a melted snowman ornament on Pinterest and of course had to give it a try first at home and then as a room parent at school. It's quick and easy with very little clean-up! Do you want to build a snowman, a melted snowman that … [Read more...]

Easy Lunchbox Napkins: with or without a serger

Back to school this year is just about as late as it can be-September 8th! This year, my daughter is in first grade, and since she eats about 4 things, I pack her lunches for her. I decided to go green ( and cheap) and use some scrap fabric to make her some lunchbox size napkins. I'll show you two ways to do it. ( with and without a serger) The first, fastest way: Step 1: Cut out some 7" squares of quilters cotton fabric. (You can make these the same on both sides, or mix it up a … [Read more...]

Birthdays Are For Making Memories!

We all know the famous saying "It's the thought that counts," and when talking about birthdays I find this to be especially true.   Now that I am a parent, I find myself looking back to my own childhood and our family traditions more often. One of the fondest birthday memories I have were these little funny packages my Grandma would prepare in honor of your special day. The contents themselves wouldn't cost more than a dollar or two but it wasn't the gift that was so special. As clichéd as it … [Read more...]

Kentucky Derby Fun for the Colts and Fillies – Kid fun!

With the Race for the Roses just days away, we thought we would share a few of the party tricks we are lining up for our festivities this Saturday.  Hippity Hop Horse Race - How cute are these horses?! I contemplated a stick horse race but came across these fun Race Horse Hippity Hops on sale at and couldn't resist. I love that they look dressed for a jockey to join at any minute! My plan is to have the kiddos name their race horse and pick a number. Maybe even pick … [Read more...]

My Cups Runneth Over. A Lot.

With the number of kids running through my house at an all time high, (I can safely say it will never get higher 'cause this uterus is DONE) I needed to do something about the "I just need a sip of water" cup.  Which then becomes "Oh, I forgot my cup was just three inches away from me, I better get out two more." I was loading an entire top rack of the dishwasher with kid cups and my wine glass. (I keep one all day long. But that is a post for another day. :) ) "Ma-ommmmm - I just need a sip of … [Read more...]

My Least Favorite Day of School….

Aside from the LAST day of school (honesty IS the best policy), my least favorite day of school is the dreaded 100th DAY of SCHOOL celebration. Having five kids means I've been through about a gajillion classroom celebrations, and I flinch when I even hear the number 100. I finally got smart and solved the problem of "MOM! I need 100 of _____ today for school" at 8:03 in the morning.  I created a rainbow shirt of 100 buttons to pull out in such crisis situations. Supplies: White … [Read more...]

Kids Say the Darndest Things

When I had my first child, it was easy to remember all of the adorable things she said and did. As first time parents, each was not only etched in my mind, but was chronicled in photo and baby book journaling.  However, the minute the second pregnancy was on board, all bets were off and "Mommy Brain" was in full effect. We do not remember the days, we remember the  moments - unknown I knew I wanted to try to remember these sweet moments, so I bought a journal for each of my kids and started … [Read more...]

Kid Craft: Hungry Bookmarks

Looking for a fun way to adorn the gift of a book? Or maybe you are looking for a fun craft to do with the kids? The corner bookmark is the answer! The possibilities are endless on how to decorate them and you already have all the supplies you need at home. Supplies Needed: Cardstock paper of any color or pattern. Scissors Glue Stick or paper adhesive of your choice (Optional) any art supplies your little ones enjoy working with like, crayons, googly eyes, glitter, markers, … [Read more...]

Free Christmas Thank You Cards Printables

Being thankful shouldn't only be for Thanksgiving.  I know in today's digital age text messages reign supreme, but I am still a fan of the old-fashioned, snail mail, Thank You Card. If you think about it, who doesn't love mail? and it's even better when it's the double-bonus of a sweet sentiment instead of a bill!? While I  know this might seem like an overwhelming task for kids, the importance of understanding why we take the time to show our appreciation far outweighs the fear it may be … [Read more...]