Summer is nearly here, and with it, tons of outdoor parties and requests to bring "a dish to pass". If you are outside of Minnesota, that means pot luck. Now, everyone will be going to Pinterest looking for the newest and cutest idea....but not you, oh no. You're going to click on one of these links, make one of these nostalgic gems, and grab all the attention because people are going to straight up go, "Oh man! I remember these from when I was a kid!" and gobble everything all up. Then there … [Read more...]
Drunken Strawberries
Who doesn't enjoy a chocolate dipped strawberry? And sure anyone can buy those, but why not spice it up for a little Valentine's fun! Here is a quick and easy way to have a little fun with very little effort! Supplies: Fresh Strawberries Your favorite dipping chocolate (Chocolate chips, candy melts or Dolci frutta) Bottle of Vodka (I have tried whipped cream and chocolate flavored vodka as the flavors take a little out of the alcohol bite.) Instructions: First, rinse … [Read more...]
Cake Pops En Pointe
One of the most favorite things I recall about being 5 was when it was my week to bring treats to Kindergarten. I LOVED it when my mom would bake cookies and send them to school with me! Once I became a mom, I couldn't wait for the days where I could bake and send homemade treats to school. I was so bummed when I learned that you can't do that anymore! As far as I was concerned, it was going to be one of the BEST parts of being a mom. I now understand all the reasons why this is and of … [Read more...]