20 Classic Summer Dessert Recipes

Summer is nearly here, and with it, tons of outdoor parties and requests to bring "a dish to pass". If you are outside of Minnesota, that means pot luck. Now, everyone will be going to Pinterest looking for the newest and cutest idea....but not you, oh no. You're going to click on one of these links, make one of these nostalgic gems, and grab all the attention because people are going to straight up go, "Oh man! I remember these from when I was a kid!" and gobble everything all up. Then there … [Read more...]

Spider Pancake Fun!

You can add the fun of Halloween (or any other holiday) to breakfast with just a little creativity. The trick to these fun shaped pancakes is a squeeze condiment bottle. You can find these anywhere baking or serving items are sold.  While the tip allows you to create any shape of pancake you wish, we recommend snipping the tip of the spout to create a slightly larger opening to accommodate the thickness of pancake batter. As pictured, to create a spider simply create a circular body on the … [Read more...]

The Pop-Up Party!

More often that not it seems that as our age increases, the enthusiasm or effort around birthday celebrations decrease.   I know in my circle of friends and family we tend to use a birthday as an excuse to go out for celebratory food and drinks -- YUM. But I am going to show you that it doesn’t mean you can’t get a little crafty and add some flair for extra fun! It was KerPop’s birthday and we thought we would surprise her with a little family outing. As any busy mother of three does on a … [Read more...]

Drunken Strawberries

Who doesn't enjoy a chocolate dipped strawberry?  And sure anyone can buy those, but why not spice it up for a little Valentine's fun! Here is a quick and easy way to have a little fun with very little effort! Supplies: Fresh Strawberries Your favorite dipping chocolate (Chocolate chips, candy melts or Dolci frutta) Bottle of Vodka (I have tried whipped cream and chocolate flavored vodka as the flavors take a little out of the alcohol bite.)   Instructions: First, rinse … [Read more...]

Sunday Funday – Superbowl Snacks!

It’s Superbowl weekend and I am sure folks are going crazy in Seattle and Boston - right FinPop? Here in Chicago, the game is not anywhere near as exciting without our beloved Bears. However, Chicagoans never miss an excuse for a party, or an excuse for some great party food. Those that know me, know that there is always a reason to get excited about the food that comes along with watching those can’t miss commercials. Our annual Superbowl party hosts have put our party on hold until 2016 (Da … [Read more...]