Craft Closet: Ideas are Springing!

My favorite thing about Winter is when it’s OVER!! Don’t get me wrong, there is so much about the season that I enjoy – but the moment I can shed all the layers and come out of hibernation, I’m bustin’ out of that hole!

Not to make too much of it, but it’s kind of where I’m at with this Cloffice project. I know a beautiful space is hiding under all the layers of stuff, I just need the mess to melt away.When I sent Teri (from Closet Works ) a link to my new Cloffice posts, she sent me the very first “Before” pics that the installers took right after they were done.

Cloffice Countless Possibilities

It was like a creative Spring happened before my very own eyes! Before I crammed all the stuff in just to get it out of the way, I imagined all the infinite possibilities of this beautifully clear and complete closet!

Now that I could actually see it empty again, I was inspired to add to the Craft Organization Pinterest Board and I’ve gathered all sorts of design ideas specifically for tiny craft spaces!

As all that snow from last week starts to melt away, so does my anxiety about this project photo 2and the early buds of creativity are starting to peek out. My goal today is to jump start my spring cleaning and make room for all the fun.

Have any ideas, recommendations or pics of your own amazing craft space for me? I’d LOVE to hear from you. Please share on Instagram and tag it #Cloffice or on the ScrapPop Facebook page!



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