So I have this guilty pleasure (one of many, in fact). I LOVE to leaf through design magazines, HOUZZ and Pinterest and dream of the day I have that blissful space that is just mine all mine. In fact, I set out to do that very thing when we remodeled our basement in our cozy but SMALL 100 year old city house – which brings you to my Craft/Office/Closet – the Cloffice!
We had a 5 x 7 ft walk in “room” or closet built into the plan and I had the amazing Teri from Closet Works come in and optimize the heck out of it with drawers, shelves, cabinets. Then I had to go about doing the hard work of fitting a 20 x 20 junk room of creative and office supplies into my 5 x 7 space.
So, in the past year I’ve made a little progress in turning it into the crafty, scrapbooking, creative space I dreamt about but not near enough.
A little pressure never hurts to get projects done so I’ll be posting for the next several weeks as I transform this craziness into a space where I can feel great about doing other fun creative projects without feeling overwhelmed.
So, stay tuned for my weekly post on the Cloffice transformation and be sure to comment with recommendations and ideas. You can see, I can use all the help I can get!
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