Mickey Monday! Matching shirts and why you should wear them.

shirtstitleI’m just going to say that, unless you are playing a team sport or flipping burgers, matching shirts are a no no. I don’t like kids in them, I don’t like couples who wear them, and you can disagree with me all you like, that’s you…we can still be friends. But for me? No.

UNLESS, you are going to Disney, and here’s why:

  1. Visibility: Your little anklebiters and the “adults” in your party will be easier to spot in the crowds
  2. Safety: Let’s say, god forbid, you get separated from your kid. You can say ” Buttholio was wearing a shirt like this!” or your little wanderer can say, ” Mommy was wearing a shirt like mine.”
  3. It greases the wheels: Want to make that grumpy TSA agent smile? How about the shuttle driver that has to cart you and yours to the airport at the buttcrack of dawn? A bunch of kids in matching shirts stating their destination, accompanied by some dads that were clearly forced persuaded by their wives to wear the same shirts sure makes traveling a little easier.
  4. Because it’s Disney, and you just can’t be cool there: Seriously, if there was ever a place to straight dork out? This is it.

So here are the two shirts I designed for our trip. My sister said on the second day, ” Man, I wish we had made matching shirts for every day!” (And she totally wasn’t being sarcastic, I checked.)


Our Travel Day shirts. The girls were light blue, and the boys were royal blue.

I should say that I didn’t really design this one. More like saw it on Pinterest and just hacked it out myself.

shirts3And, because there’s one in every family, I made one of these for my brother in  law, who could only be persuaded to wear a matching shirt on one of the days. He was a good sport and wore this though. I’m still trying to master heat transfer vinyl (HTV) without a heat press. I may need to use a different brand.

shirts1These were for our first day at the Magic Kingdom. My parents wanted a bunch of family pictures in front of Cinderella Castle.  I laid out the designs on my Silhouette software, and then sent them to our friend that can screen print on tshirts. ( A very good kind of friend to have should you need 44 tshirts made) We went to celebrate my parents’ 40th anniversary, and the double hearts are kind of their thing.


This is a shot of my parents and their 8 grandchildren. See this douche in the back? He is very very lucky I didn’t see him photobombing at Disney World. Cause if I have one rule? It’s no match-y match-y outside of Disney. If I have two rules? It’s DON’T PHOTO BOMB AT DISNEY. Thank you for screwing up a once in a life time family photo, you knob. I hope his mama sees this and goes upside his head. Thank god for Photoshop.

D-bag of the year.

D-bag of the year.


A note about those cute personalized shirts I see with everyone’s names on them? Love them. I think if there’s a safe place to have your child wear their name on their shirt it’s Disney. For added fun, the cast members that work there will all say, ” Hi, Kidwithanameonyourshirt!” Maybe, when my kids are older, and a little more savvy about strangers, I will make them shirts like that. But we elected not to do that this time because I just didn’t want to worry about my anklebiter wearing that shirt outside The Disney Bubble and then some creep off his leash goes and tries something dumb and then I end up on the news.

Listening to: some anger management tape so I don’t go track down that photobomber

Drinking: Rumka and lemonade. What’s that? Oh, that’s when you have a half bottle of rum, and a half bottle of vodka left at the end of your vacation, and you’re too cheap to pour it out, so you pour the vodka into the rum and pack it in your suitcase. It also pairs well with tonic and sour.




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