So, a few days after posting last week’s introduction of my Cloffice, I had a bit of a freak out. I said to myself “now I actually have to get my act together!” And my husband told me “Bold move.” But honestly it was the kick in the pants to get going and set up something that truly brings joy and happiness to my life.
I had all these grand plans to really dig in there and get all the stuff out of the closet and organize to my heart’s content. Instead, I had to dig out my garage after we had a HUGE snowstorm here in Chicago.
Which brings me to yesterday, the supposed 1 week deadline of my first Cloffice progress post and I hadn’t done a thing. Luckily, creative karma hit me over the head when I was standing in line to return Pinewood Derby stuff at Michael’s. Check out this brand new magazine – Room to Create, published by Harris Magazines. It’s exactly what I needed for inspiration. The mag is filled with amazing, achievable ideas and features on some incredible creatives/bloggers and their creative spaces!! I kind of feel like the premiere issue was made just for me ;-).
As I perused it during Lo’s Irish step dance class and looked back at my Cloffice “‘before” picture – I realized I had to swap out those rods I have up there for wrapping paper and get some open shelves. The Cloffice is just not big enough to wrap gifts in and I have a perfectly tall cabinet in the space for storing all my various wrapping paper. So I called Teri at Closet Works and she’s working up a new option from the design she already has on file. (If you live in the Chicagoland area and have ever thought about optimizing your closets with Closet Works – you should – it will change your life!)
Now I’ve got to wrap up this post and pack a bag for some R&R with my mom. Maybe I’ll have some time to sketch out my next step!
Week One – Lessons Learned:
1. Don’t forget to ask for help.
2. Good things take some time.
3. Life happens while you’re busy making other plans. – Lennon
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