If your household is anything like mine, you are challenged in managing the cord craziness of our electronic age.
“Mom, I can’t find my charger and my Kindle is going to die. You HAVE to help me!”
There are phone charging cords, iPad, Kindle, PlayStation, Laptop, and Gameboy charging cords to name a few, but then multiply by that by 3 kids and 2 adults and you will see where I am coming from. But to be honest, it’s not just the unsightly mess that is so frustrating. I am tired of hearing the inevitable cries of frustration and despair, as three kids need charging.
With our recent holiday break and all three kids at home testing the limits of their device batteries, I at least needed to get the kids items under control. I knew there were some pretty neat gadgets out there that would certainly reduce the clutter, but once I saw the cost, I selfishly wasn’t ready to spend over $50 on this nuisance. I would rather spend that kind of money on something far more fun (for me) …
Luckily, my husband came across these retractable micro USB cords. I liked that they came in several colors and you can find some starting under $1.99 each — PERFECT! I did splurge on a four-port power wall plug for $ 15 so we are no longer at a USB outlet deficit and repurposed a simple mail sorter to become our charging station.
While I wasn’t as concerned about “pretty,” for approximately $20 later, I think it works!
How are you managing these cord chaos?
Share your photos and ideas or if you haven’t solved the issue yet, share a photo of your cord chaos for a ScrapPop Prize!
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