Six !? I can’t believe my son is turning six already! While I am deeply flattered my boys enjoy my crafty homemade birthday parties I was a bit taken back by the request for a Mixels party. They aren’t exactly a hot party theme … yet? That being said, I knew I would need to make my own party décor.
For those of you who don’t know, Mixels are cute, little collectible lego creatures that can be mixed and matched with each other.
We picked the day a little more than two weeks out and had to get started. I loved that I had the primary colors to work with but just needed to make sure my son was on board with the Mixels Pool Party. While my son reminded me Mixels Don’t Swim, I was able to convince him that we needed one last pool party before school started!
With the pool as the main focus, I could keep my efforts a little more simplistic and actually surprised myself with a few upcycling ideas (sadly forgot to get a lot of pictures!):
- I created a birthday banner out of scrapbook paper that hung across our patio.
- I repurposed a lego gift bag as the back drop of a computer printed welcome sign.
- We used Bubble wands, googly eyes and foam stickers to create Mixel Wands.
- Set up a color-filled candy snack bar with mixel snack bags for a parting treat with labels I created on the computer.
- My son helped create a Mixel themed scavenger hunt throughout our backyard and drew the Mixel team pictures himself! (See below)
And last but not least, we created a blue mixel cake. With a very busy weekend, I didn’t have time to bake my own cake. I purchased a cake from the store but we decorated it with blue icing, some strategically placed Oreos for eyes and marshmallows for teeth. My son LOVED it!
Drinks: I cannot lie, I enjoyed a few Mike’s Hard Lemonades throughout the party!
Music: Only the sweet sounds of about 18 small children shrieking with excitement in the pool and singing Happy Birthday!
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