It’s JAWSOME – Shark Themed Pool Party

A summer birthday celebration was made easy by hosting a private party at our pool a couple years ago. Rules didn’t allow for too many decorations so we had to get a wee bit creative to bring out our theme, but I think the kids had a GREAT time!


photo 2 (46) photo 4 (25)

We served fish filled jello cups, shark shaped fruit salad, veggies, chips and chum (watermelon kool-aid).

TIP: When carving any shape out of a watermelon, the first step should be flattening what will become the bottom so that it can sit steady while you carve away. I also used a potato peeler to remove some of the green outer skin to carve the teeth but also consider using some of those pumpkin carving gadgets!


photo 2 (47)
Shark inflatables took residence in the pool along with pool noodles, beach balls and squirt guns. I should also add that we created a splashtastic playlist for the party to be played over the pool speaker system including the Jaws theme song…. We just had to do it! Duuun dun ….duuun dun….

Party Favors:

photo 3 (35) photo 1 (49) photo 1 (48)
We kept it simple with parting cupcakes and a shark squirt gun tagged with a little note thanking our guests for making the party JAWSOME!


All in all, an easy party to plan that still left us with quite a few memories and stories to tell.
Two words for ya — BELLY FLOP! Who said adults don’t get a little crazy with no lines at the diving boards 😉

Drinking: Well…. I will say the adults did festively enjoy a few Tres Agave margaritas once we wore the little ones out!

Listening:Duuun dun…. duuun dun…..

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